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  • Writer's pictureGabriel Urban

Officially Graduating from the Bachellors

I started the journey into videogame development back in 2017, a full 3 years after having started college, and having jumped through 2 other universities before landing at AUC. It's been a trek, and a difficult one at that, given that I had to deal with both COVID-19 as well as Hurricane Maria, the super hurricane that obliterated my home island when I got started in AUC.

Regardless, I powered on, and I've never been happier. I met the love of my life there, I learned so many things and actually found something that drives me in regards to a career choice. And now, come September, I'm AUC is officially holding the virtual graduation ceremony, of which I will be at last a part of.

I'm already in the middle of my Master's Degree in programming, and I'm also learning a number of other skills by extracurricular means.

Don't let anyone tell you that you can't, people, because you can. The only thing stopping you at the end of the day is you. Be strong, be smart, be brave, and take the leap. You always miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so what's the risk?

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